Sunday, 24 November 2013

A study on First Wave Feminism, its major battles and relevance to the modern world.

Feminism has been defined as being “the advocacy of women’s rights on the ground of the equality of the sexes” (Oxford Dictionaries, n.d.) and it is said that “feminists refuse to accept that inequalities between women and men are natural and inevitable and insist that they should be questioned” (Jackson, 1998, p1). In truth there are as many definitions of feminism as there are opinions about it; though many definitions are similar, the breadth makes a definitive discussion of feminism difficult. When a group of university students in central Pennsylvania were asked to define feminism each of them struggled, one commented that she didn’t “really know what feminism is except that I should be for it because I’m a girl, lots of people glare if someone isn’t, yet it gets a bad rep”. A more comprehensive answer was also provided:

“Feminism is a philosophy of enabling women to fulfill [sic] their highest potential and not feel intimidated by pre-conceived or socially constructed genders roles. Feminism does not necessarily mean you hate or look down on men, but means that as a woman, you want to better yourself and see yourself as an individual, not necessarily to the detriment of others”
(Harrow, 2012).

Attitudes towards, and definitions of, feminism have doubtless evolved and will undoubtedly evolve further in the future. Mary Wollstonecraft, writing in the late 18th century, addresses the question of equality in the Rights of Women. In her introduction Wollstonecraft refers to “the debated question about the equality and inferiority of the female sex” (Bennett, 1999, p4); long before the Suffragettes were making headlines the question of female empowerment and equality between the sexes had been a topic for debate.

Feminism is commonly described as having three waves: distinct periods with goals which grow and evolve. These are usually referred to as being First Wave, Second Wave and Third Wave, though some sources do use other terms (such as the women’s liberation movement for second wave, and modern, or new-wave, feminism in place of third wave) to refer to particular viewpoints and theories. See appendix 1 for more information on the three waves of feminism.

This essay will primarily concern itself with the struggles of the first feminist groups and with their struggles. Three major battles take the form of the three major demands of first wave feminism: women’s suffrage, educational, and employment or working rights. I intend to initially focus on Britain and the west, defined as “Europe and North America seen in contrast to other civilization” (Oxford Dictionaries, n.d.), and compare the west with the rest of the world, paying particular attention to individual countries as case studies and to underline both common attitudes and general trends.

Suffrage is defined by the Oxford Dictionary (n.d.) as being “the right to vote in political elections”, an 18th century revision of language caused by the struggle for equality by early feminists. The right to enfranchisement was one of the key demands from an increasingly educated and politically aware sex. Much of this awareness was gained through women working on the behalf of other groups to gain emancipation, social and political justice; in Britain women were fundamentally involved and essential in the struggle for working class men’s suffrage. In the United States women were equally involved in the early civil rights and temperance movements, throughout the period of reconciliation between the states in the wake of the American Civil War.

It was felt by many women that issues that affected them were not of concern to the majority of men and that only by gaining a voice of their own would they be able to effect any changes which would benefit them. Their struggle was one which was often overshadowed or confused as other disaffected groups also fought for recognition and emancipation; in many places issues of race and immigration drew attention away from women. Increasingly this led to the use of violent ‘shock tactics’ to grab headlines and to keep the discussion of women’s issues alive. Caine (1997, p11) argues that "political and economic freedoms demanded and gained by men during this period were actively denied to women" and that it was this which acted as a catalyst to turn the cause of women's rights from an intellectual curiosity into a mass movement.

Women were granted the right to vote in 1869 in Wyoming Territory, quickly followed by Utah Territory in 1870 and Washington Territory in 1883. Once these territories gained statehood they preserved women's suffrage, making them the first places to fully enfranchise women (, n.d.). Full emancipation of women did not occur in the United States of America until 1920, and even then it did not include all women as the franchise was not extended to Native Americans in all states until 1962.

New Zealand became the first country to grant the right to vote to all women, both white and Māori, in 1893, and other nations would follow though not quickly. Before World War 1 only 3 countries had joined New Zealand in extending the franchise; Australia in 1902, Finland in 1906 and Norway in 1907 (Kelber, 1994, p10). During and immediately after the war a further 15 countries, mostly in Europe, continued this trend but the road was long and uneven; the last European countries to fully enfranchise women being Portugal in 1976 (where restrictions were lifted, allowing equal voting rights to men and women) and Lichtenstein in 1984. See appendix 2 for details of when countries extended the franchise to women.

Whilst in the west access to the vote appears to be relatively equitable, and arguably there are no real legislative barriers now in place, this is not true across the globe. Three countries remain which have not granted women rights to vote in national elections; Brunei, the Vatican City and Saudi Arabia (Tovrov, 2011).  Brunei is a sultanate and absolute monarchy, with several councils appointed by the sultan to advise him. Neither men nor women are able to vote in national elections, however, there is universal suffrage for local elections from age 18. The Vatican City is a theocracy, headed by the Pope who is advised by the College of Cardinals. The only election is to determine who will be Pope and only Cardinals below the age of 80 are entitled to vote: canon law does not allow women to be ordained as priests, which bars women from being able to join the College of Cardinals. Saudi Arabia is, like Brunei, an absolute monarchy but it does allow national elections. Legislation is now in place to extend the franchise to women as of 2015, four years after it was introduced, though very strict laws remain regarding women. Saudi Arabia considers women to be legally minors under the discriminatory “guardianship system” (Human Rights Watch, 2012).

Whilst it appears that, in general, women have won the right to the vote the situation is not as clear as it may first appear. Whilst women have technical rights to vote in many parts of the world there are legislative or cultural barriers in place that serve to effectively silence their political voice. In Lebanon women voters have to prove they have a minimum level of education (to primary level), something that male voters do not have to do (CIA Factbook, 2013).  In Afghanistan, where great gains for women’s rights have been made over the last decade, a law was quietly removed in 2012 which stipulated that a quarter of all provincial council seats should be allotted to women (Ilham, 2013). There is also a significant risk that women will lose access to their voting rights due to a lack of female security officers; voting is segregated and body searches are required for all people entering a polling station due to the risk of violence or terrorism. There is a major shortfall of female staff (Donati, 2013).

It is not just the developing world which places barriers between women and the vote; the United States too is increasingly implementing restrictions on voting. Whilst legislation is nearly universally presented as means of reducing election fraud “there is no statistically significant — or even insignificant — evidence of in-person fraud at the polls” (Washington Post, 2013). Whilst it is comforting to believe that these restrictions are rare, the amount of legislation passed (and struck down as being unconstitutional) suggest a movement to disenfranchise parts of the electorate in the US. It is not just minority, poorly educated, women with poor English skills who are being affected; legislation in Texas which affects voters who have changed their name (such as married women who took their husbands surname) have given problems for high-profile women such as Judge Sandra Watts (Goodwyn, 2013) and gubernatorial candidate Wendy Davis (Washington Post, 2013).

The second demand of first wave feminism was for fair access to education for women. At the same time as women were denied the vote, and men were increasingly gaining access to it regardless of wealth, social position or class. So, too, women were generally denied an academic education. Education, generally, was far from ubiquitous and was generally based on class and wealth. Boys and girls were taught the skills which it was felt they needed to succeed in life; an education was felt to be wasted on girls as they were destined to be homemakers rather than breadwinners.

This lack of educational opportunities was considered by many to be a deliberate policy; an uneducated sex was unaware of their disadvantages and, even if alerted, was unable to do anything about it. “All mid-Victorian feminists agreed that educational deprivation was an essential feature of women’s oppression and one…bearing particularly harshly on middle-class women who were denied access to the schools and universities attended by their brothers” (Caine, 1997, pp115-116). Caine argues further that some women, such as Harriet Martineu and Hannah More, desired educational advantages to better carry out their womanly duties rather than to enter into traditionally male arenas: they desired a “rational and solid education to better enable women to carry out their domestic tasks” (pp71-72).

Victorian arguments against women’s education, particularly more advanced education, often referenced the supposedly innate qualities and weaknesses of womanliness. Billington (2012, p665) writes that “women’s unsuitability for higher education stemmed from their physical weakness which was due to their child-bearing functions” and that “any attempt to assimilate the education of women with that of men would serious affect the sexual functions of women”. Whilst not a universal argument, that men were physically stronger and thus more suited to learning, or that education could have a disadvantageous physical reaction to women, were made time and again, and were considered to be worthy of discussion.

It is certainly true that, without education, many opportunities and careers are unavailable but there are other advantages (both to an individual and to society at large) from increased levels of education. Society benefits from enhanced economic growth, improvements in healthcare (particularly with regards infant mortality), engagement with and understanding of political issues. People gain critical and academic skills to allow access to sustainable employment opportunities and thus enhanced earning potentials, improving healthcare for the student and their family. Women and girls, in particular, benefit; an additional year of schooling reduces the probability of motherhood by 7.3% and increases her earnings by 10-20% (Global Partnership for Education, 2013).

Access to tertiary education in Great Britain came slowly but arrived long before the vote. Girton College in Cambridge was founded in 1869 as the first residential college offering degree-level education; Emily Davies, its founder, rejected the idea of a special curriculum for women, arguing that “only if women succeeded in subjects held to be prestigious for men would their educational achievements be recognised as equally valid” (HerStoria, 2012). Other colleges were soon after established in Oxford and Cambridge but all of them attracted negative attention and criticism; education was seen as a distraction from the domestic duties of women, a threat to the family, and therefore a threat to the social order itself. Studying in a college associated with the great Oxbridge universities, and passing the examinations, did not guarantee that a degree would be issued. Access to formal lectures and examinations was piecemeal and at the discretion of the lecturer; it would be a long time before equality in qualification was gained:

“Women were finally awarded degrees at Oxford in 1920 but in Cambridge the women were denied again in 1921, having to settle for titles of degrees only (called, inevitably, the ‘BA tit’). Women were not awarded degrees on an equal basis to men at Cambridge until 1948, partly because if women had degrees they would also have the privileges that came them, i.e. equal status, voting rights and a share in the governance of the institution.”
(HerStoria, 2012).

The story is similar in the United States of America. Before the American Civil War whilst some higher levels of education were available to women from a (women’s) seminary or academy they were not granted access to regular colleges or universities. The sole exception was Oberlin Collegiate Institute (which became Oberlin College in 1850), which had offered degrees to women on the same terms as men from 1837 (Oberlin, n.d.).  In the wake of the Civil War women began to gain to access college education, usually in coeducational facilities (as opposed to the strictly segregated university colleges in Britain). Some of the more established colleges in the northeast opened women’s colleges which were associated with the already existing (male) colleges: the “Seven Sister” colleges are examples of this second kind of institute. Five years after the end of the Civil War, in 1870, less than one per cent of the female population went to college and this rate rose slowly: it was less than three per cent by 1900 and seven and a half per cent in 1920 (American Association of University Women, n.d.).

Despite the initially glacial pace for women in the west to access education, the situation has now changed markedly and no legislative barriers prevent women from complete access to university education. This does not mean that there are no issues affecting women attending university. Bates (2013) commented on the levels of ingrained misogyny facing female students in British universities in a Guardian editorial:

“Though individual institutions are dealing well with events in some cases, we need to step back and see the bigger picture here. Until we do, and until this wave of violent misogyny is recognised as an urgent nationwide problem by University heads, the hundreds of the reports we receive from young women will continue to end in that same, bewildered question – how is this still acceptable?”
Bates (2013)

Outside of the west access to education is not as equitable, and the accepted norm of the west (the enlightened view that women should have equal educational opportunities to men) is not present. A report from the Institute for Statistics of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) on literacy rates noted that though the overall number of illiterate people had fallen since 2011 the majority of these remained women; 64%, 495 million, of the 774 million people without basic reading and writing skills were women.

It isn’t only access to elementary or primary education which is lacking in some parts of the world: cultural, social and religious barriers affect women being able to access education of all levels across the globe as they did in the west 150 years ago. In Iran, once the most progressive of the Gulf oil states, restrictions have been increasingly applied to education generally, and for women in particular. In September of 2012 a ban was imposed for female students in 77 undergraduate (BA and BSc) disciplines covering specific, academic fields at 36 government universities: this ban covered “a bewildering variety of subjects from engineering, nuclear physics and computer science, to English literature, archaeology and business” (Sahraei, 2012)

There is an argument presented that as other universities exist which grant full access to all disciplines for female students there is no real restriction imposed on women’s educational access. Widespread, international and domestic, outcry over the discriminatory policy has raised questions within the government. As Samadbeighi, (2012) wrote, “responses to the new restrictions have been so extensive that even the Ministry of Education’s academic evaluation organization has taken a position against it and it appears that a review and reversal of the decision may be in the making”

Nevertheless, regardless of legislative barriers (which first wave feminism is primarily concerned with; second wave feminism addressing questions of cultural and social discrimination) the lack of parity of access to primary and secondary education, and restrictions on tertiary education demonstrate that equality of education is not yet achieved. A UNESCO (2012) study further showed that parity in primary and secondary education had not been universally achieved in any part of the world, and that in some areas of the globe (particularly sub-Saharan Africa) there was a greater inequality than parity in access to even primary education. See appendix 3 for more details.

The third demand made by first wave feminism was regarding employment; early feminists demanded equality in remuneration and working conditions, and full access to respectable professions such as the law and medicine. During the Victorian period women, particularly those of the working class, laboured in many dirty and dangerous jobs for long hours and for low pay. In the west legislation has been put in place to allow access to professional careers, with active military service on the front line being the last remaining barrier (in many cases).

Restrictions placed upon women in the military are challenged today, with women taking to the front lines. This happening not just in the west, where three women have succeeded in passing the strenuous Marine Corps’ enlisted infantry training for the first time (Eversley, 2013) but also in such places as Afghanistan. In Afghanistan only half of a per cent of the army is made up of women, women are being trained for their special forces to take part in front line actions, such as conducting night-time raids upon homes (Euronews, 2013).

The Equal Pay Act was passed in the United States of America in 1963 to address the inequalities of remuneration between sexes. In that year women were paid, on average, less than 60% the wage of a man doing the same role. Despite this legislation the position within the US has not become entirely equitable, nor even close to it: in 2012 the disparity was reduced to slightly less than 25% (National Committee on Pay Equality, 2013). This situation is repeated throughout the globe and is particularly extreme throughout North Africa and the Middle East where women earn 28% as much as men (Shah, 2010), see appendix 6 for the full table.

Inequality in reward for work, and access to professional trades, is a continuing problem. It has been said that “women do two-thirds of the world’s work, receive 10 percent of the world’s income and own 1 percent of the means of production” (Robbins, 1999, p354). There are legislative barriers to women’s access to employment. In Sudan women experience economic discrimination and lower pay when compared to men (who do a similar job). However, women do have access to professional roles (for example more than half of the lecturers at Khartoum University were women in 2012) and have a constitutional guarantee to equal pay (which is not realised). There are restrictions on a woman’s access to work as, with some exceptions, they are barred from working between 10pm and 6am (UK Border Agency, 2012).

Across most of the world women have the right to vote; women’s suffrage is not universal but it is prevalent with only few countries (such as Saudi Arabia) still to enfranchise their female population. Cultural and social barriers remain in place which prevents women in some parts of the world from taking full advantage of their political voice. In the west women have access to education without any legal barriers, though again both cultural and social barriers remain. Globally women lag behind men in primary and secondary education, as demonstrated by lower literacy rates, and in some countries accessing tertiary education is difficult with some subjects being banned. Though legislation exists to combat pay inequality, sexual harassment and discrimination in many parts of the globe it is clear that these are only partially successful in the west, and are often missing entirely in other parts of the world

First wave feminism, then, had three “battles” to fight; suffrage, education and employment. There remain barriers in some parts of the world, increasingly including the west, to accessing the vote so it cannot be truly said that the battle for suffrage has been won. In the west it can be strongly argued that there are no legal barriers preventing women from accessing education, however, this is demonstrably not true globally: the battle, again, is not yet won. Finally with inequality in earnings, restricted access to executive positions, and to professions it cannot be truly said that the battle over employment has been won.

As it cannot truly be said that any of the major battles of first wave feminism have been won, let alone those of the second and third waves, the relevance of feminism to the modern world is surely in little doubt. Whilst these institutional inequalities and legal barriers remain the battle lines drawn up by Elizabeth Cady Stanton at the Seneca Falls Convention surely remain as vital now as they were in 1848. 

Appendix 1: the three waves of feminism

The following definitions and time periods focus on the west, and particularly on the United Kingdom and United States of America.

First Wave feminism usually refers to a period from the nineteenth to early twentieth centuries. It was concerned with promoting equality for women with a focus legislated or officially mandated inequalities such as political enfranchisement (the right to vote), education and working rights. This wave is usually considered to have begun in the United States of America in 1848 at the Seneca Falls Convention where Elizabeth Cady Stanton revealed the Declaration of Sentiments. The Declaration of Sentiments was fashioned after the Declaration of Independence and was signed by 100 people, 68 women and 32 men. It asserted that women should enjoy the same rights and privileges as men; it laid out their complaints (paying particular reference to the absolute tyranny which man employed over woman) and concluded by insisting “that they have immediate admission to all the rights and privileges which belong to them as citizens of the United States” (Stanton, 1889, p71).

Groups were quickly formed along the same lines in Great Britain, France and Germany and by the 1870s similar organisations had spread to Belgium, Italy, the Netherlands, and throughout Scandinavia. From the start there was support from men as well as women; Le Droit des Femmes (the Right of Women) was a French newspaper established in 1869 which had enjoyed a mixed readership (Anon, n.d., p19). In Great Britain the formal start of feminism as a movement can be tracked to the formation of the Kensington Society in 1865, followed later in the same year with the Manchester Committee for the Enfranchisement of Women.

Second Wave feminism is usually considered to start some point in the early 1960s and to continue into the 1990s (Rampton, 2008), some significant time after women had gained enfranchisement (1918/28 in Britain and 1920 in the USA, though with some exceptions for Native American women). Second wave feminism, sometimes called the “women’s liberation movement”, focused less on legislative inequalities and more on perception, ingrained prejudice, challenging male-centric culture, and social equality. Where the first wave of feminism was primarily focused on middle (and some educated, working) class white women the second wave was more inclusive.

One major focus of second wave feminism was of education, both for men and women, to understand the struggles, pressures and prejudices facing women. Because of this it became increasingly theoretical, adopting and incorporating political and psychological theories which questioned women’s place in society, introducing the term “patriarchy” into the mainstream to describe “a system of society or government in which men hold the power and women are largely excluded from” (Oxford Dictionaries, n.d.). The other major focus was on sex and gender roles, and on forming safe spaces for women (Rampton, 2008).

The third wave of feminism, sometimes called new-wave feminism, is usually described as following on from second wave in the mid-1990s and continuing today. Part of the force which created the third wave was a response to the backlash from movements and initiatives caused by the second wave, with another being a readoption of earlier ideals of feminine beauty by women and for women. A new set of language and terms has been adopted by the “grrls” of the third wave; women who present themselves as being empowered and powerful, part of a large and global community, taking advantages of the opportunities presented by the internet and social media. Some refuse the title of “feminist” as being outdated and many have attempted to recover abusive language for their own: adopting “slut” and “bitch” in a similar manner to other oppressed groups’ reclamation of “nigger”.

Appendix 2: timeline of women’s suffrage

New Zealand
Australia (other than Aborigines, 1962)
Denmark, Iceland
Canada (other than Native Canadians, 1960)
Austria, Estonia, Georgia, Germany, Hungary,  Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Russia
Belarus,  Luxembourg, Netherlands, Ukraine
Albania, Czech Republic, Slovakia, United States of America (other than Native Americans, 1962)
Armenia, Azerbaijan, Sweden
Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Saint Lucia, Tajikistan
Great Britain, Ireland
South Africa (whites only, 1994)
Spain, Sri Lanka
Brazil, Maldives, Thailand, Uruguay
Cuba, Turkey
El Salvador
Dominican Republic
Bulgaria, France, Jamaica
Croatia, Indonesia, Italy, Senegal, Slovenia, Togo
Cameroon, D.P.R. of Korea, Djibouti, Guatemala, Liberia, Panama, Romania, The F.Y.R. of Macedonia, Trinidad and Tobago, Venezuela, Viet Nam, Yugoslavia
Argentina, Japan, Malta, Mexico, Pakistan, Singapore
Belgium, Israel, Niger, Republic of Korea, Seychelles, Suriname
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Chile, China, Costa Rica, Syrian Arab Republic
Barbados, Haiti, India
Antigua and Barbuda, Dominica, Grenada, Nepal, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Bolivia, Côte d'Ivoire, Greece, Lebanon
Bhutan, Guyana
Belize, Colombia, Ghana
Cambodia, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Honduras, Nicaragua, Peru
Benin, Comoros, Egypt, Gabon, Mali, Mauritius, Somalia
Malaysia, Zimbabwe
Burkina Faso, Chad, Guinea, Lao P.D.R., Nigeria (South)
Madagascar, San Marino, Tunisia, United Republic of Tanzania
Canada (all), Cyprus, Gambia, Tonga
Burundi, Malawi, Mauritania, Paraguay, Rwanda, Sierra Leone
Algeria, Australia (all), Monaco, Uganda, United States of America (all), Zambia
Afghanistan, Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Fiji, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Kenya, Morocco
Bahamas, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Papua New Guinea, Sudan
Botswana, Lesotho
Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ecuador, Kiribati, Tuvalu, Yemen (D.P. R.)
Nauru, Swaziland
Andorra, Yemen (Arab Republic)
Jordan, Solomon Islands
Angola, Cape Verde, Mozambique, Sao Tome and Principe, Vanuatu
Guinea Bissau
Nigeria (North), Republic of Moldova
Marshall Islands, Micronesia (Fed. States), Palau
Iraq, Vanuatu
Central African Republic
Western Samoa
Kazakhstan, Moldova
South Africa (all)
United Arab Emirates
Saudi Arabia

Source: Pearson Education (2013) and Women in Politics (n.d.)

Appendix 3: gender equality in education

Gender equality in education, compared at primary and secondary level

Source: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) Institute for Statistics (2012)

Appendix 4: literacy rates

Adult literacy rate


Adult illiterate population
773.5 million
female share
Youth literacy rate


Youth illiterate population
123.3 million
female share

Source: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) Institute for Statistics (2013)

Appendix 5: Disparity of income over time (US)

Men's earnings
Women's earnings
$ difference
% difference

Earnings in the US, men vs women and difference, expressed in dollar terms

Source: Census Bureau reports and data, Current Population Reports, Median Earning of Workers 15 Years Old and Over by Work Experience and Sex. Taken from data supplied by the National Committee on Pay Equity (2013)

Appendix 6: Disparity of earnings (women/men) globally

Disparity of earnings (women and men) globally as a percentage

Source: Anup Shah, Women’s Rights (2010). Data taken from UNICEF, State of the World’s Children report, 2007

“Estimated earnings are defined as gross domestic product per capita (measured in US dollars at 2003 prices adjusted for purchasing power parity) adjusted for wage disparities between men and women. Some numbers rounded for display purposes” (Shah, 2010)


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